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#1 (permalink)  
قديم 03-10-2008, 12:23 AM
عضو مجالس الرويضة
افشكو غير متواجد حالياً
لوني المفضل Cadetblue
 رقم العضوية : 2795
 تاريخ التسجيل : 18-08-2008
 فترة الأقامة : 6002 يوم
 أخر زيارة : 21-06-2011 (05:42 AM)
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حصري أحدث إصدار من العملاق Nero Burning ROM v9.0.9.4

Nero Burning ROM v9.0.9.4

إليكم إخوانى الكرام برنامج حرق ونسخ الإسطوانات الشهير والغنى عن التعريف فى أحدث إصداراتة
op 5 Reasons to Upgrade to Nero 9
Enjoy a fast, easy, and convenient user interface

Nero StartSmart, the intuitive command center in Nero 9, now integrates new playback, ripping, burning, copying, and backup functions with one click tabs so you can quickly and easily access your favorite digital features.
Create superior High Definition video

Simply capture video from AVCHD camcorders and create stunning movies with 3D animated menu templates for professional-looking videos. The new Tape Scan feature lets you quickly and easily preview with scene selections from digital (DV) or High Definition videos (HDV) for the seamless import of video, saving you time and hard drive space. Easily add HD menu templates and burn AVCHD discs using standard recordable DVD media. Nero’s Smart Encoding for AVCHD saves you time and ensures quality playback.
Watch, record, pause, and customize your live TV experience

Providing a great new TV experience for your PC, Nero Live is a new addition to Nero 9 that lets you view high-quality live TV on your PC. As a stand-alone application or to enhance your Windows® Media Center, Nero Live makes it easy to watch live TV/HDTV, record TV shows, watch two channels at once with Picture in Picture (PiP) capabilities, time shift for up to 60 minutes, and listen to DVB radio.
Edit videos and create professional-looking DVD

Nero 9 provides highly-enhanced yet easy-to-use video editing tools that let you personalize your home videos and slide shows. The new Movie Wizard allows for greater creativity with an easy-to-use library of templates including themes for special occasions like birthdays, holidays, and weddings, plus soundtracks and special effects.
Protect, back up, and recover your memories

Nero 9 includes new easy and convenient tools to protect your valuable memories and confidential data, plus safeguard against system crashes, natural disasters, and human error. The new Auto Backup feature in Nero 9 makes it easy for you to back up digital files from your PC including files, folders, drives, and even the entire system via a simple wizard interface for offline or online backup. With Nero RescueAgent technology, you can safely and securely recover data from damaged or scratched discs, hard drives, USB and flash sticks, and other memory devices.

370 MB

تجارى € 47.99


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أحدث إصدار وتنصيب صامت ( Internet Download Manager 5.17 Build 5 ) محمد افق تكنولوجي 13 12-08-2009 06:16 AM
المنافس الأول للنيرو وبواجهه عربيه Ashampoo Burning Studio 9.05 Final محمد افق تكنولوجي 6 04-07-2009 01:17 PM
آخر إصدار من ( Messenger Plus! Live 4.80.356 ) محمد افق تكنولوجي 14 04-03-2009 08:15 AM
و عاد العملاق ...لعيونكم System Mechanic Professional افشكو افق تكنولوجي 16 15-10-2008 04:39 AM
ولد منجل ...(( العملاق الأكتروني )) ... علي عفيش مرفأ البداية وروح التواصل 17 19-12-2006 02:31 PM

الساعة الآن 06:51 PM.

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